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Rough Enstatite from burma, 8.93 carats, orangey brown color

SKU: GAP0493 | 10952 Total Views

  US $6 
1 pcs
Classification   Enstatite (inc. Bronzite)

Location  Bangkok Thailand

Shape  Rough

Approx. Weight  8.93 Carats

Approx. Dimensions 11.60 x 4.66 x 16.58 mm

Origin  Mogok, Burma, Myanmar

Owner's Description  

An irregular shaped enstatite sample showing etches. It displays a rich brown color and looks like a piece of wood. The surface characteristics is a tell tale sign for identifying enstatite. The unusual shape makes this stone very peculiar and interesting one. 


Gemstone: Enstatite

Birthstone/ Zodiac Stone:

Physical description:Enstatite is a mineral most commonly found in igneous and metamorphic rocks. It is one of the few silicate minerals that has been detected beyond our solar system. Its colors are commonly white, grey, green and brown.

Symbolic description: Enstatite is a stone that aids discovery. It is a stone that helps the wearer through journeys and times of exploration.

Origin:Enstatite can be found in many places around the world. South Africa is a popular source but brownish green forms mostly come from Myanmar, Norway and the United States. Chatoyant Enstatite can be found in Sri Lanka and India.

Purpose: Enstatite is a stone that complements other stones around it. It is a good stone to wear in all types of jewelry.


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