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Fine Burma Cat's Eye Scapolite

SKU: GWB3081 | 10139 Total Views

  US $650 
1 pcs
Classification   Scapolite, Chatoyant Gemstones

Location  Bangkok Thailand

Shape  Oval

Approx. Weight  15.62 Carats

Approx. Dimensions 16.31 x 11.94 x 11.07 mm

Origin  Myanmar

Star Rating
Excellent Very good Good Good-Fair
to to

Owner's Description  

Amazingly beautiful and especially when seen under white light, this slightly purplish "electric" grey cab cat's eye scapolite weighs 15.62 carats. The beauty of this piece lies in the "shimmering" quality observed in one half of the gem separated by an stunning sharp eye and the other half of the stone which looks transparent and clear. The fibrous nature of the inclusions gives rise to a rare and unique "chatoyant" phenomenon that seems to move like "silvers of fire". 

A rare collector piece. My favorite.



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